Did you ever wake at two in the morning
And wonder why you couldn’t hold onto the feeling
No matter how hard you shut your eyes
It Always seemed to evade your grasp.

Colder is the space beside you
The warmth that dwelt has long departed
No more sunny smiles to melt the snow
Lying like lead upon the slow beating heart.

And though the paper with ink barely dry
Lies before your eyes beckoning you to enter in
It is never quite the same as when
The loving touch caresses your skin.

Well, its more than just a memory
And that can never be let go
The distance between the ages are
Transported by unity of thoughts to be as one.

When you wake again at two in the morning
Remember its there to be had always beside you
Colder or warmer now it seems so very real
Never deny it was ever there.

Impression left by blissful sentiments
Lies like the rumpled sheet beneath your toes
Always to haunt you, taunt you, be with you
Giving what the moulder can not always be.

Living in this land of screams
You know its not what you inherit
So look to the alter, your disinheritence
Capture the moment and keep it there, it’s your forever.

Here is the fortune waiting to be discovered
Deep within the slumber hour and there’s the rub
We are of course still life looking forward
To what is to become of us.

Well when you wake, at two in the morning
And wonder where it all went, remember
It’s here for you and always will be.